Get a haircut already!!!

From the whiskey tango foxtrot files...

Four year old kicked out of preschool for "distracting" haircut.

Okay now... all I have to say is... Seriously?


Anonymous said...

You would think schools would have better things to get upset about. This is as bad as the Northern California School that has to pay out $95,000 to parents that sued, and won. Why? Their 1st grader was sent home because she had "Tigger" on her socks. The school wanted only plain socks. As well as the money order the school must also allow students to wear prints or patterned clothing. Go figure.

EE said...

Oh brother.

AtYourCervix said...

You've got to be freakin' kidding me! That kid's hair cut was a normal looking hair cut to me. Much, much, much more conservative than some of the hair styles I've seen!

Disruptive? HOW?!?!?