Award :)

Thank you to my blog twin, Sam, Medix311, Chapati, and Ninja Medic for the Bookworm award.

(Somehow I managed to completely miss Chapati and Ninja Medic the first time around. I'm so sorry. Ya know how they say the mind is the first thing to go, right? At least I still have nice hair :))

You love me, you really love me!!! Sorry, dating myself there.

Rules are as follows. Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!

I have two books sitting on my desk, the closest being the phone book. Technically it's a book, but for the purposes of this award I'm going to grab the one next to it.

Life, Death, and Everything In Between: A Paramedic's Memoirs. Some Medic wrote it. I can't remember his name. (Sort of unrelated, if any of my local readers wouldn't mind, could you click on that book link and check out the helicopter at the top of the site... Looks very much like Lifeflight, doesn't it??? Sorry, my ADOBSO is flaring up again.)

Page 56... Oh, this is gonna be good. Fifth sentence (and a few more, hey, rules are rules!)...

"Unit Two, go ahead," Bobby answers, groaning.

"Respond to Crossroads on a Priority One. Back up Unit One on a motor vehicle accident." Well, we figured it was too good to last. Sigh!

I quickly collapse the poles and stow them under the bench seat as Bobby stows the cooler. I gather up the stringer of fish, and not knowing what to do with them, drop them in a biohazard bag and put them under the seat with the fishing poles.


If you haven't purchased that Medic's book, you're truly missing out. It's one of my favorites, which is why it's sitting on my desk, next to the phone book.

My five picks:

Jay G. from Marooned. You never know what you might get there on any given day, and that's why I read his posts every day. Kids (and they are mighty cute, I might add), Politics, Guns, Food... You name it.

Lucy from Lucy's Logic. Her photography is stunning and her words are just as beautiful.

Hammer. Because he's Hammer. Hopefully he comes back soon, I've missed his posts.

Detail Medic, once again. Because I want to be her. I might have mentioned that once or twice.

And finally, I'd be out of my mind to not mention AD. I'm sure that he's already gotten it ten times over, but there's a reason for that.


Anonymous said...

haha ninja and I also gave you the award, so you got it x4!

lucy said...

Thanks Epi...I love the award! I will be working on this today. Love ya!