You're doing it wrong!

I remember hearing somewhere that in a certain state an EMT/Medic isn't allowed to call a time of death on a person who's head is laying less than five feet away from him.

Let me make sure I've made myself clear by posing this hypothetical.... You roll up on the scene, and your patient is decapitated. The head is laying two feet away from the body. If you were in this particular state of the Union you must now start CPR and call for med control.

(a quick sidenote... why am I thinking I heard this from Steve Barry? It was definitely a speaker at our last CEU conference...)

That mental image stuck with me for some reason...

So tonight Mr. EpiJunky sends me an email with the following picture attached:

And then he wonders (appropriately enough) why I'm giggling like a schoolgirl....


Medic61 said...

Oh dear epi, thank you so much for making me laugh.
I'm swamped with this portfolio, and this was a much needed relief. You rock :)

Epijunky said...

Glad I could help dear :))

I'm still giggling looking at the pic. I need to get some sleep apparently :)

EE said...

Ah, very nice.